Roofing Repairs: How To Recognize The Need For Residential Roof Leaks Repair

A leaking roof can be disruptive to comfortable home life, making the house uninhabitable and damaging household items. Unfortunately, roof leaks do happen, damaging the building materials and furniture inside your home before realizing it's happening—especially if the damage doesn't occur immediately after a storm. Here are some telltale signs that your roof might be leaking, so you can make an appointment with a residential roof leaks repair before any serious damage occurs.

1. Curling or Buckling Shingles

Curling or buckling shingles usually signal that your roof has been exposed to too much water. Water leaks on your roof freeze and expand, causing your shingles' glue joints to loosen and create cracks in your shingles. As long as you catch it in time, damaged shingles can be replaced without having to replace whole sections of your roof.

2. Spots on the Ceiling's Underside

The chances are that if you're in the early stages of noticing discoloration on your ceiling, it means that there's been some water damage and discoloration to your roof. Look up at your ceiling and see if you can spot any discolored spots. If you do, they may indicate places where your roof is leaking (or has leaked) into/onto your ceiling.

3. Organic Growth on Exterior Walls

Dripping water on exterior walls encourages organic growth, including mold, mildew, and algae. You will notice discoloration, streaks, or even spots that appear to be bubbling. These growths can appear in blackish or greenish hues with a  sheen. 

If you see any of these signs, it is time for residential roof leaks repair as soon as possible! Mold is risky to your building's integrity and also harmful to the health of the home's occupants.

4. Streaks on Interior Walls

If you notice streaks on your interior walls, it's probably due to water dripping from the roof down the walls. The dripping water will leave streaks and encourage mold growth on these surfaces. You will see brownish streaks with the characteristic blackish spread of a mold infestation.

5. The Musty Smell of Mold

Mold naturally grows on humid surfaces, and if it begins to smell musty, it's probably time for residential roof leaks repair. Mold is most common in areas with heavy moisture and low ventilation—attics and crawl spaces are especially vulnerable. Mold develops slowly, so you may not notice its presence right away; however, it is difficult to clear once it becomes noticeable.

A leaking roof presents an existential threat to your family's health and comfort and threatens your house's structural integrity. Call a residential roof repair service ASAP when you notice these signals.

434 Words

About Me

Roofs: A Secure and Stable Lid When you have something you like inside a jar, you probably put a lid on it — right? In a way, you can think of your house in the same manner. You like and value the items inside, along with the inside of the house itself. So, it only makes sense that you would protect the interior of your home with a lid. That lid is your roof. Keep that perspective in mind as you read this blog. Learning more about roofing will feel more interesting if you remember what a roof does: it protects the inside of the home and the people who live in it.



