The roof of your home can be extremely exposed during strong weather events, and this can lead to there being a high risk of it suffering any number of different types of damage as a result. After a storm has moved through your area, it is important to conduct a full review to determine whether the roof is needing to undergo repairs to prevent water damage or other issues from developing.
Hail Damage To Flashing
Hail is one of the leading causes of roofing damage as large hailstones will be able to hit the roof with enough force and weight to be able to knock components loose. One example of this could be the flashing on the roof. If a hailstone strikes the flashing, it could potentially loosen or even warp it. These issues could compromise its ability to keep moisture from entering through these openings. This type of damage may not be readily noticeable unless you conduct an evaluation of the roof, but it can contribute to large amounts of water being able to enter the roof the next time a storm passes through the area.
Punctures In The Exterior Of The Roof
During a storm, the high winds that it may produce could be strong enough to send airborne debris toward the roof. Depending on the type of debris and the speed at which it is traveling, it could be possible for this debris to hit the roof and cause punctures to occur. These punctures can compromise the integrity of the roof, and they will have to be repaired. In addition to causing leaks to occur inside the home, these punctures could allow the roof's supports to actually start to rot in response to the moisture exposure. Identifying these punctures following a storm may require venturing onto the roof to conduct an assessment. For those that have particularly steep roofs or those that have mobility issues, hiring a storm damage roof repair contractor to complete this assessment can be a sensible option.
Ice And Snow Damage During Winter Storms
Winter storms can also be a major source of roofing damage to your home. In particular, the weight of the snow and ice that can accumulate on the roof could be enough to cause extreme structural damage to occur to it. This is one of the reasons that you need to remove large snow accumulations or ice dams that have formed. Otherwise, this weight could crack the supports, which may cause portions of the roof to sag or even collapse.
Contact a roofer for more info.