If your asphalt shingle roof is an eyesore because it's covered with ugly black algae stains, talk to a roofing contractor about your options. You can have the algae removed with a biocide that kills it, but the problem is that the algae will probably come back. Your roofing contractor may have suggestions for preventing the return of algae. Here are some ideas.
1. Replace The Metal Flashing With Zinc Or Copper
Your roof has several pieces of metal on it that keep rain from leaking around the chimney, valley, and pipe protrusions. Your roofer might talk to you about replacing the metal with zinc or copper since both of these help keep algae away. They do this because when it rains and rain rolls off zinc or copper, the rain picks up some of the metal, which kills algae farther down the roof. Copper might be the most effective, and it has a nice appearance, but it's also expensive. Zinc is a good option too, and it costs less.
2. Add Metal Strips Along The Top Of The Roof
Another option the roofer might suggest is to add a strip of copper or zinc metal under the top row of shingles. The metal has to be exposed so rain will hit it, so you may not care much for the look, but the zinc or metal should keep the ugly black streaks away. One thing to consider is the type of gutters you have. Copper might possibly react with your aluminum gutters and cause corrosion over time, so ask your roofing contractor if that might be a problem.
3. Buy Algae-Resistant Shingles
You probably don't want to get new shingles if your roof isn't old and ready for them, but when it's time to replace your roof, talk to the roofing contractor about getting shingles made to keep algae from growing on the shingles. If algae has been a constant problem, the best solution might be to get shingles treated to kill and prevent algae so you have a permanent solution that also looks good on your roof.
4. Wash Your Roof Periodically
Your roofing contractor may not wash roofs, but you can ask them if it's a good idea to have your roof soft washed when algae starts building up. The roofer might have suggestions for how to get algae off of your roof without harming it. Soft washing might be one solution, or the roofer might suggest having a treatment applied that's sprayed on to kill algae. This kills the algae and rain rinses it away, so you don't have to worry about shingle damage.
Contact a company like Commercial Solutions, Inc. to learn more.